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The Kauai Marathon and National Tropical Botanical Garden are excited to be partnering again on the Third Annual Roots ‘n Shoots Fun Run and Walk on Saturday, April 8, 2017 at 8:00am. This garden 5k is a fundraising event held on the lush tropical grounds of McBryde and Allerton Gardens.

Runners and walkers check-in at the NTBG South Shore Visitors Center parking lot starting at 6:00 am and will be shuttled to the start of the 5k, located in McBryde Garden. The 3.1-mile event begins in the Breadfruit grove and meanders through McBryde Garden exhibits, towering rainforest trees, swaying golden bamboo, tropical fruit trees, and alongside the Lawai Stream.

“We are so excited to partner with The Kauai Marathon and welcome runners back to NTBG’s McBryde and Allerton Gardens for the third annual Roots ‘n Shoots Fun Run,” said Tobias Koehler, Director of the South Shore Gardens. “Sharing the gardens and the critical conservation efforts of NTBG through this fun community event is always a delight,” Koehler continued.

After the run, participants enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast sponsored by Living Foods Gourmet Market and Cafe along with coffee provided by Kauai Coffee Company. “We are so excited to join forces with NTBG on this extraordinary community event. Not only will participants be treated to a gorgeous course, but a fabulous after race celebration with family and friends,” said Jeff Sacchini, Founder of The Kauai Marathon and Half Marathon.

The event also includes a silent auction where the funds received will support The Kauai Marathon Youth Running Program, as well as other local non-profit groups that annually benefit from The Kauai Marathon and Half Marathon.

The cost is $40 per adult and $30 for students 16 years and under until March 31st, which includes post race food and beverage. Race entries increase on race day to $50 and $40 respectively, cash only. There are limited entries available for this one-of-a-kind event and is expected to sell out quickly. Register today!

New to the 2017 event, a bottomless champagne brunch is being offered in the “Food for Thought” area of the McBryde Garden after the run/walk at 10am. Guests will dine on a decadent array of fruits, pastries, tasty eggs and meats while sipping Champagne post run/walk. The cost is an additional $50 and can be purchased online at registration. There will be a limit of 75 people for the brunch so sign up today.