Despite the crazy weather, the fourth annual Roots ‘n Shoots was held on the lush tropical grounds of Allerton and McBryde Gardens on Saturday, April 14, 2018. The Kauai Marathon & Half Marathon and National Tropical Botanical Garden partnered to host the 5k fundraising event, with proceeds going to the Youth Running Program. Over 250 runners and walkers took to the unique route, which started on the Biodiversity Trail and took advantage of the various environments offered by the gardens. The course meandered through towering rainforest trees, a grove of swaying golden bamboo, the Jurassic Park Moreton Bay Figs, tropical fruit trees, and alongside the Lawai Stream. It was truly an amazing day and we can’t wait to start planning for the 2019 event!
Following the Roots ‘n Shoots 5k, The Kauai Marathon and Kauai Coffee awarded two scholarships to local, college-bound high school athletes for their submissions on the importance of running in their lives. Congratulations to Brianna Binder of Kapaa High School and Shaylyn Silva of Kauai High School! Good luck on your college adventures!
For more information or to donate to the youth program, click here.